The importance of indoor air quality when returning to school!
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many institutions have invested in improving indoor air quality, since poor air quality harms the physical and mental health of students and school staff.
Contaminated air can lead to symptoms such as coughing, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, irritation of the eyes and nose, as well as impaired ability to concentrate.
For those with allergies or asthma, the repercussions can be more serious. Here are some measures to protect children and create healthier environments conducive to learning:
IAQ assessment: commercial and service buildings that include nurseries, pre-schools, primary schools and residential facilities for the elderly are required to undergo an annual simplified indoor air quality assessment (Article 16 of Ordinance 101-D/2020).
Thermal comfort: HVAC systems allow the internal temperature to be adequately controlled, providing a comfortable environment for students and teachers.
Ventilation: adequate renewal of indoor air by outdoor air helps to dilute and remove pollutants such as fungi and bacteria. In turn, inadequate ventilation inside schools contributes to an increase in the concentration of CO2 . Therefore, to keep the C02 level within healthy limits, sufficient ventilation must be ensured, whether by natural, mechanical or mixed ventilation.